JPDA: Monthly Production
Barrels of Oil Equivalent (BOE)

Previous 3 months

MonthProduction (BOE)
Jun '24160,820.28
Jul '24176,707.58
Aug '24137,419.59

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo

LAFAEK, PSC Description

PSC Name
PSC TL-OT-17-09
Timor-Leste Territory - Onshore
Contract Kind:
Production Sharing Contract
Effective Date:
Expiry Date:

Effective Date: Subject to fulfilment to the conditions precedent
Expire Date: 7 years

In December 2015, Government approved the Resolution No. 44/2015 of 22nd December, which authorised the participation of TIMOR-GAP, E.P in the Production Sharing Contracts both in onshore and offshore of the Territory of Timor-Leste. This includes the latest Government Resolution No. 39/2016 of 23rd November, on block subdivision for onshore, and Dispatch No. 09 / GMPRM / XI / 2016, on direct award of petroleum contracts by means of direct negotiation, in certain onshore blocks in South-West Timor-Leste.
The Law 13/2005 of 2nd September on Petroleum Activities Law and Decree-Law No. 6/2015 of 11th March confer on the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources powers to authorize oil and gas companies to undertake studies, explore and develop the existing petroleum resources in the Territory of Timor-Leste, in order to generate maximum benefit to the country and its people.
Acting pursuant to the Petroleum Activities Law, the Ministry herewith awards these petroleum contracts by means of direct negotiation based on public interest to TIMOR GAP Onshore Block C, incorporated and organized under the existing laws of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, and TIMOR RESOURCES PTY LTD, a company incorporated in Australia, and both parties are collectively referred to as "Contractor" for the Production Sharing Contracts (PSC’s) TL-OT-17-09, which covers Manufahi and Ainaro Municipalities.
Work Program:


First Year:

1. Technical Studies,
2. Geology and Geophysical studies,
3. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),
4. Environmental Management Plan and
5. Seismic Survey planning;

Second Year:

1. Acquisition,
2. Processing and
3. Interpretation of 100 kilometers 2D Seismic Survey;

Third Year:

Well commitment to the cummulative of the minimum depth of 2000 meters and Well sample evaluation studies.


Fourth Year:

Post Well evaluation; Geology and Geophysical studies;

Fifth Year:

Well Sample Evaluation and drill Exploration Well (cumulative to the minimum depth of 2000 meters).


Sixth Year:

.Post Well evaluation; Geology and Geophysical studies

Seventh Year:

Post Well technical studies. Drill any one of: recomplete existing well, stimulate existing well OR drill one side track OR drill one exploration Well.

PSC Operators


PSC Joint Venture Partners


This page was last updated on 4 September, 2019 For website matters contact us

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